Monday, November 1, 2010

Otwieranie I Zamykanie Opcji Na Gpw

This weekend we had wind for flying cows, 420 and YCA tent. On Saturday morning we were thrown overboard in winds above 25 knots. There were several who took the wise decision to NOT go out and stay on the ground eating a little pizzas. Who had the chutzpah to challenge the forces of nature come to court without an anchor, to be a while spinning. The suspense populated the field of 420.
finally decided that we come to earth and start again. To our delight the wind bow pointed directly at the YCA. After a while we got back safe and sound, and there was no death to mourn. There were a couple of low materials, yes, but there are worse things in life.
On Sunday we were given similar conditions, but we added the impossibility of lowering the boats and the water was so low that it could play football there that "ends" the ramp.
As we did not run the results remained the same: the Italians Eduardo Mancinelli Scotti and Leonardo Cucchiara won the championship with 5 points, followed by Jordan and Ian Xammar Coyle with 17. In third place were Paul and Augustine Völker Cunill with 19 points.

Photo: Matías Capizzano

Atenti NOW! ---> 6, 7, 13 and 14 November we have the Argentine championship at the CNSI


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