Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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In these times you hear a lot of problems to discuss draft of chimneys even with incidents at this problema.I problems are many: zero x of the draft because of low atmospheric pressure, depending on from ' location of flue-chimney not up to standard, the property must not have a curvature over 45 ° regardless of the length, the boiler or stove or other item in general should not have more than four moves for each element its chimney-independent, if in a chimney, with zero ominimo draw, there are two or more ', one pushes spilling in the smoke-clogged chimney nest etc. etc. ecc.Secondo regulations of the Lombardy Region the chimney should always be accompanied to the roof, more and more 'top of the ridge tetto.tutti elements must always have a good ventilation of air in according to the rated heat. These are just a few rules x the installation of chimneys on the basis of that fireplace and chimney can be improved.


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